Logo for Red Bastard- Bouffon Clown



How Free Is Your Love?

You're About to Find Out… Every. Single. One of You.

Beware! Red Bastard has come to expose the lies we tell our lovers and those bastards who made us lie in the first place. To do this, he's made a show so despicable, so embarrassing, so morally depraved- the only reason you would possibly watch it is…

It's a show about you.

Love, Lust, Fear and Freedom await as America's premier bouffon seduces you with live music, shape-shifting burlesque, and a seduction so intimate, at least one audience member will leave sticky sweet.

Prudes, Cheaters and Perverts- all are welcome- in this provocation of Love, Lies, and the Lies we tell about Love.

Do you dare?

Directed by Aitor Basauri
Written by Eric Davis and Aitor Basauri
Choreography by Eric Davis and Mimosa Lindahl.
Costume Design by Gina Ruiz
  • ★★★★★
    Hilarious and beautifully written… tantalizing…more than an act, it's an experience-
    and a unique one at that. Edinburgh Festivals Magazine
  • ★★★★★
    Perfectly crafted… a show about lies. Lies and love and the lies we tell about love…
    A bacchanal buffet of frank admissions and delicious guilt.Broadway Baby
  • ★★★★★
    Hilarious as it is unforgiving…
    There really is nothing quite like it and it will leave you wanting more…
    Just go. Edinburgh Festivals Magazine
  • ★★★★★
    We find ourselves answering his probing questions and delighting in his salivations at our various slights and mistruths.Broadway Baby
  • The show to see… Never to be forgotten…
    Utterly compelling, spell binding, breathtaking…even tender. Scotsman
  • Not only clever and topical, but deeply important…
    Extraordinarily suspenseful throughout… a pure pleasure to watch.The Skinny
  • A striking performance… thought provoking… sophisticated…seductively clever…
    Needs to be experienced to be believed…
    Leaves everyone laughing, bristling or somewhere in between Outlier Scotland
  • Intoxicating… There is no denying that Eric Davis is a master bouffon.
    Hilariously shocking …
    real honesty and vulnerability that draws us in and drags us all too willingly into his dark world. Across the Arts
  • Pushes and pulls the aucience expertly…
    A full standing ovation from the delriously happy packed room. Scotsman
  • A standing ovation proves his delicious style has touched the crowd in all the right spots. LIST Magazine
  • No stone nor secret is left unturned..
    Aanother striking performance from a sophisticated solo artist (of) absolute power and presence.. Outlier Scotland
  • Makes us question our own moral reasoning…
    Before we know it, audience members are admitting secrets and debating… .Across the Arts
  • An important experience which could open up alternative ways of thinking The Wee Review
  • Devilishly funny… Engaging…
    Will take you to a place you havent been before. Broadway World
  • Smashes preconceived notions of love… deeply gratifying…
    A provocative game of self exposure..The Skinny
  • Turns us on our heads and leaves us reeling… Deliciously rude and playfully taboo..
    a masterclasss in bouffon. Go Across the Arts