How Free Is Your Love?
You're About to Find Out… Every. Single. One of You.
Beware! Red Bastard has come to expose the lies we tell our lovers and those bastards who made us lie in the first place. To do this, he's made a show so despicable, so embarrassing, so morally depraved- the only reason you would possibly watch it is…
It's a show about you.
Love, Lust, Fear and Freedom await as America's premier bouffon seduces you with live music, shape-shifting burlesque, and a seduction so intimate, at least one audience member will leave sticky sweet.
Prudes, Cheaters and Perverts- all are welcome- in this provocation of Love, Lies, and the Lies we tell about Love.
Do you dare?
Directed by Aitor Basauri
Written by Eric Davis and Aitor Basauri
Choreography by Eric Davis and Mimosa Lindahl.
Costume Design by Gina Ruiz